Monday, January 31, 2011

OK, I have made my first major decision. I have decided to write and illustrate a graphic novel. In the future I would like to write a proper novel but right now I think I more likely to finish a graphic novel. I know my story is gonna miss out on a lot of details, in choosing a GN over a novel but hopefully I'll be able to make some of it up will the illustrations.

So right now I'm right into character design mode. I've already done a heap of sketches and digital created a couple of characters you can check them out here:
They are missing a lot of detail and I am still playing around with few different illustrating styles. So I'll keep playing around until I find a good style to actually illustrate the book with. I need to find a style that is going to compliment the story.

Until next time.


  1. whoohoo!sounds great! i haven't caught up on devart stuff in a while, but i'll be sure to check it out!!! very cool! :)

  2. Wow - good luck! I've always thought my book would make a great graphic novel.

  3. Also, you've just won an award! Stop by my blog to see it :)

  4. Your art is really good. Good luck with the GN. If you ever want to work with a writer, I'd love to find a good artist.

    Draven Ames
